It was Lily's red lipstick, cheeky smirk and wine glass that stopped me on my explore page but it was her caption: 'I might look classy but that's Stella not wine' that made me hit the follow button. What followed were selfies featuring what one would rightly assume to be her signature look - winged liner and a gorgeous red lip - and what I have come to learn, is only a tiny peek into her travels and escapades.

Lily is 20 years old, half English and half Indian. "It's mad 'cause English people don't think I'm English and Indian people don't think I'm Indian but I step foot in any other country and they all think I'm a native. I've had everything from Brazilian to Italian. Its like, no I'm not your exotic mamacita I'm a proud Punjabi Princess"
She grew up in both London and a place called Felixstowe - which, if you didn't know (and I'll admit I didn't either) is a little seaside town on the east coast of England. "Ah Felixstowe, that place taught me a lot about myself. It was a predominantly white town so I really had to learn how to love myself and my Indian heritage. My mum always made sure I was connected, whether that be through listening to Indian music or eating traditional food in the traditional way - I am very grateful to her for that. I was probably only 15 when I realised there was no need to be ashamed of being brown, despite what the girls around me thought or said. From then on, I have embraced it and haven't looked back."
Everyday, Lily tries to live her best life and have fun which comes through in her Instagram posts - what inspires that? "I think when a tragedy happens in your family at such a young age you reevaluate things. All of a sudden you realise how short life can really be. I might not be here tomorrow so I try and live for right now. I know that might bite me in the ass later on in life but at least I'll have met some amazing people and seen a bit more of the world than I would have sitting behind a desk all day"

"I promised myself that if I ever got lost or was in a place where I didn't know what to do, I'd go to India and do Bollywood."
India. Your trip looked amazing... from what we saw on Insta! "Yeh so when I moved back to London I asked some family friends if I could work at their café. I was there for a while but assumed managerial responsibilities quite early on. Let me tell you, running a business is like having a child - you literally can't take a break. It was really demanding and I started to go bit crazy to be honest. I needed to get out of London asap. I remembered though, when I was younger I promised myself that if I ever got lost or was in a place where I didn't know what to do, I'd go to India and do Bollywood. All of a sudden I had this urge to go to India. I had never been and I'm Indian so honestly, I just thought why not"

"Yes, I went by myself but that's what I wanted."
You went by yourself right? Weren't you nervous? "Yes, I went by myself but that's what I wanted. I was a little nervous but I'm so used to travelling I just thought of it as a new experience and an opportunity to learn about my culture."
So, Goa then Mumbai? "Yeh, so after an issue with my flight, 24 hours in an airport and some fake tears followed by floods of real tears I got to Goa. There, I just chilled with some people I had met on the way. Then yes, landed in Mumbai and met my flatmate. I actually ran into a guy I had met in Goa who was also from London travelling around India and another guy from Sydney - the three of us just explored together for the next 10 days or so. It was really cool."

"I loved the fact that things over there are so simple but they get shit done."
What did you learn? "I learnt why I'm a party girl. I'm half Punjabi - they are notorious for drink-ups, partying and having a good time!"

I asked Lily how she keeps track of everything she does - believe me when I say her life would make an amazing movie. Her first diary entry features her hilarious encounter with an English actor famous for his role in Gossip Girl. "I did try writing a diary but that is on and off because I honestly don't have the patience to sit and write it all down - there is way too much! My Instagram is great for that purpose though. It's like a timeline of some of the things I get up to and the places I have been."
You have travelled loads this year, every other Insta pic is somewhere different! "Yeh, I'm pretty sure I have spent more time out of the country than I have spent in it this year. Off the top of my head? Ok, so I spent my birthday in Amsterdam back in February, then there was my trip to India in April/ May. Nepal in June - gosh, I'll never forget that 7 hour drive and altitude sickness. A random night in Paris. Then went to Turkey for five days with a friend whose uncle has a house out there. Germany, Prague, Zurich and Madrid in August then back home in time for Notting Hill." Can I just add that since I last saw Lily, she has managed to add Barcelona to the list!
"I'd rather spend my money on experiences than material things. They make me much richer."

Are you loaded or do you just find plane tickets lying around? "Haha, I work a lot and save up for my trips. I'd rather spend my money on experiences rather than on material things. They make me much richer. Also, when you're nice to people they tend to be nice back."
So besides documenting your travels, why are you on Instagram? "My mum was actually on social media before I was - she is really artistic. I just thought it was cool, at the time filters were new and pictures were fun to mess around with."
Your Selfies? Love them by the way! "Thank you! Most of the time I've just gotten ready for the day and am about to head out. I just rest my phone on the windowsill, put it on a timer, take a few pics and post my favourite."
Selfies or photographer? "That is actually one thing people assume about me. A lot of people think I enjoy getting my picture taken, in reality it's quite awkward sometimes - I don't always know what to do. That's one of the reasons I've been getting into shooting music videos, they're a lot less posey. Don't get me wrong though I do enjoy what I do."

As we wrapped up I asked Lily what she sees in her future and what her travels have taught her thus far."I see a lot more travel and a lot more fun. Anywhere in mind?... um, definitely Cuba and Brazil! As for what I've learnt - on a private jet, all they ask of you, is that you hold your glass of wine for takeoff."
It was such a pleasure getting to know and chat with Lily. Her attitude towards life is inspiring.
You can find Lily on Instagram @LilyMarinaBaria and more of FORFACESAKE LONDON @forfacesakeldn